CS Nwilliams / Copywriter, Podcaster, Communication Strategist
My name is CS Nwilliams, best known as THE RADIO APPRENTICE. I am brown skin as my photo suggests, tall and athletic. I am the business manager and the Team leader of Oralvault Live Podcasting / Broadcasting crew. I started Podcasting off a stiff wall in 2012 after declining an invitation to follow up poetry series hosted by a local Radio station and since then, I have remained a better Apprentice than I was yesterday.
To crown the cherry, I am a dedicated writer, I love the sound of fiction, although I enjoy poetry more and I am also the host of an intimacy channel, 18.
My experience is based on how passionate I have become and among all that I do for a living, I enjoy my time here as a broadcast manager, a Podcaster and an OAP. Consistency has made me a good DJ, starting in 2013 is a long time to bridge me from mastering track selections and yes, I have got lovers for my playlists too.
Location: Port Harcourt, Nigeria
“The bubble drops when its broken but you still feel the splashes.” ~ CS Nwilliams