PT | 124 What is your true color like #personalitypoll Radio Apprentice
The phrase “this is my true color” typically refers to or suggests that someone expressing their authentic self or revealing their genuine personality, beliefs, or intentions. It signifies a departure from pretense or façade and implies a willingness to be honest and transparent about who they are or what they stand for. By using the metaphor of color, the person is suggesting that they are no longer hiding behind a mask and are showing their true, unfiltered identity.
When someone says “this is my true color,” they might be indicating a desire to be genuine in their interactions with others, showing their real emotions, thoughts, or values. It could also imply a sense of liberation or self-acceptance, as they embrace their unique qualities and reject societal expectations or pressures to conform. By making this statement, the person is essentially declaring that they are no longer afraid to be themselves and are ready to express their true nature, whatever that may be.
What is your true color like #personalitypoll