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PT | 138 Lonely weekend #coldEdition

micRadio Apprentice todayJuly 8, 2023 251

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    PT | 138 Lonely weekend #coldEdition Radio Apprentice

I thought the Monday would board a train through the weekend to bring us back into daily scenes. The walking through a lonely weekend best fit the one with a strong foot.

How do you beat a lonely weekend? This is a question that many people face, especially in times of social distancing and isolation. There are many possible ways to cope with loneliness and make the most of your time, depending on your preferences and circumstances. Here are some suggestions that might help you:

– Connect with others online. You can use social media, video calls, chat apps, or online games to stay in touch with your friends and family, or make new connections with people who share your interests. You can also join online communities, forums, or groups that offer support and advice for people who feel lonely.
– Engage in hobbies or activities that you enjoy. You can use your weekend as an opportunity to pursue your passions, learn new skills, or express yourself creatively. You can also try something new that challenges you or sparks your curiosity. You can find online courses, tutorials, podcasts, books, or videos that can guide you along the way.
– Practice self-care and wellness. You can take care of your physical and mental health by doing some exercise, meditation, yoga, or relaxation techniques. You can also pamper yourself with a spa day, a massage, a bath, or a treat. You can also practice gratitude, positive affirmations, or journaling to boost your mood and self-esteem.
– Volunteer for a cause that you care about. You can use your weekend to make a difference in the world by helping others in need. You can find online or local opportunities to volunteer for various organizations, causes, or projects that match your values and skills. You can also donate money, goods, or time to support a charity of your choice.
– Plan ahead for the next week. You can use your weekend to prepare yourself for the upcoming week by setting goals, making schedules, organizing your space, or completing tasks. You can also reward yourself for your achievements and celebrate your progress. You can also look forward to something exciting or fun that you have planned for the next week.

These are just some of the ways that you can beat a lonely weekend and make it more enjoyable and meaningful. Remember that you are not alone in feeling lonely, and that there are many resources and people that can help you cope. You can also reach out to a professional counselor or therapist if you need more support or guidance.

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